National Wraparound Childcare Programme survey
National Wraparound Childcare Programme – Survey for Parent Carers As part of the National Wraparound Childcare Programme the Department for Education, with the support of the National Network of Parent Carer Forums, have developed a survey to better understand to what extent the current wraparound childcare offer for primary age children meets the needs of parents and children with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). They are looking for parents of primary age children with a special...
National Parent Carer Forums’ Conference 29th Feb 24
Following the Joint NNPCF and Contact Parent Carer Forums’ Conference 2024 in February, the recordings and presentations for the sessions are available to share from the day. click here for sessions
Health Transitions 14+ Survey and Discussion
Health Transitions 14+ FACT Bucks have been discussing with Healthwatch the challenges which face SEND YP as they transition away from Children’s Secondary Health Services (not GPs and Pharmacists) to Adult Secondary Specialist provisions. We are aware of the struggles that can and do face us all when our young people must move into adult services and that too often discharge from service seems to be a common theme. Healthwatch have agreed to undertake a research project...
DfE Guide: Arranging Education
Department for Education: PDF December 2023: Arranging Education For Children Who Cannot Attend School Because Of Health Needs The guidance describes how local authorities and schools can best support children unable to attend school due to physical or mental health needs. It includes statutory guidance on duties to arrange suitable education and steps schools should take to reintegrate children once they are well enough to attend.
Autism Consultation
During 2022 Buckinghamshire Council held a series of community outreach events to learn which issues are most important to autistic people and their families, and the professionals who work with them. Taking the learning from these events, the Council have drafted an autism strategy for Buckinghamshire. They now want to hear from people about whether they’ve got the strategy right. A consultation on the strategy is now open, and the Council wants to hear from autistic people,...
2023 Buckinghamshire SEND Survey
Thanks to all the parents who completed our SEND survey for 2023 which has been shared with the Council and Health bodies. The lived experience of families remains unchanged in 12 months, although the theme of the comments is focussed mire strongly on therapies and lack of school place this year. We have made both key priorities for 2023-24. Congratulations to Hannah from Aston Abbotts who won the entry prize. The results are here below 2023 Buckinghamshire...
Buckinghamshire Parent Carer Send Survey 2023
THE CLOSING DATE FOR THIS SURVEY IS NOW MONDAY 6TH MARCH BUCKINGHAMSHIRE PARENT CARER SEND SURVEY 2023 MAKE YOUR VIEWS KNOWN The third annual FACT Bucks/Bucks SENDIAS SEND Survey for parents and carers runs from 7th to 28th February 2023. This survey is a vital element in gauging the impact of the SEND Improvement journey in the local area. The more responses, the more impact it will have. It is not only Buckinghamshire Council and the local...
Webinar – Emotionally Based School Avoidance
We have our second webinar on Friday 10th February on Emotionally Based School Avoidance with Bucks SENDIAS Service. If you would like help and advice from Bucks SENDIAS Service please use the links below to their website and contact form.