FACT Bucks

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What is a Parent Carer Forum?

Parent Carer Forums are required in every local authority area under the Children and Families Act 2014. They give a collective voice to Parent Carers of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and champion coproduction with parents as the most effective basis on which to achieve provision that ensures the best possible outcomes for SEND CYP. They share good practice, knowledge and shared expertise based on lived experience to assist those with the responsibility to deliver the best possible services and provision. Forums do not campaign.

About Us What Is A Parent Carer Forum

Every Forum is a member of the National Network of Parent Carer Forms (NNPCF). The NNPCF ensures that local parent carer forums are aware of national developments. It promotes opportunities for the voice of parent carers to influence at a national level. The NNPCF works closely with the Department for Education, the Department of Health, and other partner organisations to improve outcomes for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs and their families.

About Us More

Who is our local Forum? 

FACT Bucks is the Parent Carers Forum for Buckinghamshire (Bucks PCF). As an independent, pan disability, parent led charity working we strive to increase parent/carer participation/co-production based on good practice, knowledge and expertise to improve provision and therefore outcomes.

What is our aim?

The Forum is committed to making parent carer participation an integral part of service and information development and provision in Buckinghamshire, with the aim of creating better outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families.

How do we operate?

As a Charity we have Trustees elected by the members (who are themselves parent carers of SEND CYP in Bucks and others with an interest in furthering the work of the Forum) to set objectives. They also empower and oversee a Steering Group who lead the work to enable the voices of parent to be heard.

Who is involved?

All involved are parents and carers who all have children have a wide range of educational needs, from mild to severe, including physical disabilities. Some have ‘hidden’ impairments, like Mental Health issues, ADHD or Dyslexia, while others have behavioural issues, or no firm diagnosis.

What do we do?

What Do We Do

We represent parent voices in the following strategic local area boards: 

Integrated SEND, Children’s Partnership & Children’s Improvement  
SEND Improvement  
CAMHS Stakeholders & Monitoring 
Therapies Stakeholders & Monitoring 
Short Breaks Stakeholders & Monitoring 
Client Transport Improvement 
Autism; Adult Social Care; HAF Engagement Groups; 
Local Offer; Preparing for Adulthood; SEND Operations; Early Identification; Quality; Measuring Outcomes; Vulnerable Groups; Annual Reviews; Sufficiency; SEND Improvement Impact Groups 
SENDIAS Steering Group 

We work closely with SENDIAS; Integrated SEND team; Commissioning; Education Improvement; Early Help; Early Years; Children & Adult Social Care; CAMHS; Integrated Therapies; Action for Children; & PACE. Our relationship with these organisations means that we contribute to the improvement and creation of quality services that aim to meet the needs of parent carers and their children/young people.  

We do not undertake campaigns, pursue individual cases nor offer support and counselling to individual parent carers. 

Get in touch: admin@factbucks.org.uk