Get Involved

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There are many ways to get involved, whether you are a parent, carer, relation or friend for someone with SEND, or a practitioner working with SEND families.

Membership is free and easy to access.
As a member, you will...

  • Receive information about opportunities for you to help shape local and national services
  • Be offered opportunities to meet like-minded families at workshops, events and courses
  • Receive the latest news about all things "SEND"; eg SEND related support, SEND law, activities and services
  • Take part in questionnaires and surveys concerning SEND related services
  • Tell us about your experiences so that we can feed this back to our local authority and health services


You can click this link or email us at: to join our mailing list.

We are also looking for parent carers to join any of the Parent Dialogue Groups – for CAMHS; Therapies; or CAMHS Neuro – to offer their insight and experience to assist the services to adapt to the specific needs of users and their families.

If you would like to know how FACT Bucks PCF uses and secures your personal information - please read our Privacy Policy.

Where parents can get involved

Get in touch: