
A local voice for parent carers of children with SEND

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Families and Carers Together – Buckinghamshire’s Parent Carer Forum. We are an independent group of parent carers and professionals who meet to discuss real issues that affect children and young people (0-25 years) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in Buckinghamshire. The forum aims to participate and co-produce better outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families.

What Is A ParentCarer Forum

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FACT Bucks News

Voice of the Child

13th May, 2024|

Andrew Howard, FACT Bucks' Team Leader, delivered training to members of the iSEND team this week as part of their ongoing CPD programme. He spoke about co-production and the importance of the Voice of the Child. His main themes were:- 1. Parents know their kids better than you 2. Working together produces better outcomes as they are owned 3. Hearing (not just listening to) the voice of the child is essential 4. Capturing the...

Could you be our Comms & Information Officer?

30th April, 2024|

FACT Bucks is seeking a motivated, flexible person with a passion to raise awareness of FACT Bucks and its work by further developing and maintaining a wide social media presence alongside regular face to face engagements. These provide families of SEND children and young people with regular updates on actions taken and opportunities to engage, as well as provide links to support groups and a flow...

Health Transitions 14+ Survey and Discussion

21st February, 2024|

Health Transitions 14+ FACT Bucks have been discussing with Healthwatch the challenges which face SEND YP as they transition away from Children’s Secondary Health Services (not GPs and Pharmacists) to Adult Secondary Specialist provisions. We are aware of the struggles that can and do face us all when our young people must move into adult services and that too often discharge from service seems to be a common theme. Healthwatch have agreed to undertake...

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