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ADHD – FACT Bucks / Bucks SENDIAS Service webinar

Does your child find life challenging because they:

  • Find it hard to concentrate and are easily distracted? and/or
  • Are energetic, impulsive, perhaps fidgety? and
  • This causes problems for them at school?

This webinar will inform and empower you about what can be done to support Buckinghamshire children and young people with ADHD, whether diagnosed or not, in school and elsewhere. It follows on from our recent fact-finding workshops involving a wide range of stakeholders including parents.

The webinar will help you to know more about the condition and what is available to help.  It will include a Q and A session.

The webinar will be held from 10am – 11.15am on Friday 6 December. The session will be recorded and made available on the Home | FACT Bucks | Parent Carer Forum and Bucks SENDIAS websites.

If you would like to register for the ADHD webinar, please click here

Tickets only available until 12 noon on Thursday 5 December so please sign up as soon as you can.

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